Lemon Myrtle - Bakhousia citriadora
If we had to chose a tree that encompasses all the advantages of planting, growing, harvesting, cooking and enjoying native foods it would have to be the Lemon Myrtle.
A magnificent subtropical rainforest plant in its own right, is also a beautiful specimen tree- bushy with low branches that have long tapering, deep green leaves and small bunches of clusters of tiny white, fluffy flowers in late summer and autumn. However, the most marvellous feature of this tree is its superb fragrance which is a blend of lemon, lemongrass and lemon verbena. Its a joy to have in the garden and just brushing past the tree will release its scent, and it's especially fragrant after rain. In it's native subtropical habitat it can grow up to 20 metres but is a smaller tree the cooler the environment becomes, usually topping out at about 6 metres
Anisata -
Anetholea anisata
Anisata is a coastal rainforest tree of subtropical eastern Australia. These days it's rare to find it in the wild, and the ones left in their natural environment must not be foraged. Fortunately for those of us who love to cook with this aromatic herb, there are significant plantations of Anisata in this region, particularly in the area around Lismore.
Brush past an Anisata tree and an intriguing aniseed aroma will envelop you. The leaves are rich in the essential oils anethole and citral: anethole is an aromatic compound that gives the leaves their aniseed flavour, and the citral provides a slight lemon and eucalypt finish.
Mountain Pepper - Tasmannia lanceolata
The native pepper trees or shrubs that we use for culinary purposes are from the Tasmannia genus of the Winteraceae family. This family of plants is one of a group associated with the ancient Gondwana Supercontinent that Australia was once part of, and is now represented in various species that we call native peppers. The one that we use is Mountain Pepper or Tasmannia lanceolata. We are always blown away understanding how truly ancient our native foods are and how they have survived through the ages in pristine wilderness areas and are now grown commercially - it is amazing to think about Gondwana then and Australia now.
Mountain Pepper is not related to the true pepper , which is actually an Indonesian vine. It certainly has the spiciness and heat of pepper, and also a significant aromatic flavour
This starter Pure Native Herb Collection is the perfect introduction to the flavours of Australia - three of our most popular Australian Pure Native Herbs sealed and packed into cute little tins and then popped into an acetate gift box embossed with the concentric circles that mean 'meeting place' -a place where traditional Indigenous native food knowledge meets your pantry!
These three great Australian pure native herbs sealed and packed into cute little tins and then popped into an acetate gift box embossed with the concentric circles that mean 'meeting place' -a place where traditional native food knowledge meets your pantry!
The featured herbs are everyone's favourites - they include Lemon Myrtle, Mountain Pepper and Anisata. There are so many ways to use these herbs, and you will find great recipes in our Recipe pages. Included are 30g each of Lemon Myrtle, Anisata and Mountain Pepper pure herbs. If we are unable to supply one of these lovely herbs due to seasonality etc. we will replace it with another delightful herb- we have quite a few and all are so delicious.
This is a great way to introduce people to the joys of cooking with these lovely native ingredients.
Product highlights: contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, no genetically modified ingredients and gluten free, suitable for vegans.
Nourish your spirit -Outback Spirit has been developing and working within an ethical supply chain that assures consumers that products have authenticity and integrity by supporting a network of suppliers within traditional Indigenous groups, families and Communities.
Supporting the Outback Spirit Foundation. From every product you purchase, funds are contributed to the Outback Spirit Foundation. The Outback Spirit Foundation supports Aboriginal farmers, growers and harvesters. The Outback Spirit Foundation is a registered Public Benevolent Entity with tax exemption for donations.
Carbon Neutral Delivery via Sendle- supporting Tasmania's forests