What is more iconically Australian than a lamb roast or lamb chops cooked on the BBQ on a gorgeous summer's day - or anytime at all! Our Aussie BBQ Rub is at home and making a superb flavour difference in either cooking environment.
We think trimmed lamb cutlets with Outback Aussie BBQ Rub is a heavenly match,
2 or 3 lamb cutlets per person (approx 75g each) trimmed of fat
1 teaspoon Aussie BBQ Rub per cutlet (approx 4 g per teaspoon)
olive oil spray
Two ingredients and a little olive oil is all that it takes to make these delicious lamb cutlets.
Take the cutlets out of the fridge and allow them to come to room temperature.
As with all rubs, it is best to gently massage the rub into the meat and then let it rest in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes or longer.
When you are ready to cook, take the cutlets out of the fridge and allow them to come to room temperature.
The rub will absorb moisture from the meat and the cutlets will look quite glossy so they only needs a merest spray of oil on each side.
Heat a barbecue (or frying pan)to high heat and once too hot to hold your hand over, add the cutlets. Cook for approximately 3 minutes each side for medium rare and 4 to 5 minutes each side for medium or until cooked to your liking. We think they are at their best with the soft pink centre of medium rare.
Once cooked, remove from the pan, cover with foil and set aside for 5 minutes to rest before serving.
Easy peasy!
QUICK TIP If you'd like to try Aussie BBQ Rub on a lamb roast or beef an anything at all, follow the same process of massaging the rub into the meat , let it rest for at least 30-60 minutes to infuse it's flavour and then a light spray of olive oil before placing in the oven. Remember 60g of this rub should be sufficient for 1.5kg of meat. Same process with roast vegetables such as pumpkin or a whole cauliflower