Recipes Blog — Wild Herb Tomato Chutney
Outback Spirit

Classic Veal Culet with Wild Herb Tomato Sauce
This Italian style dish could be made with a pork cutlet or even delicious little frenched lamb cutlets. We've chosen veal as it is so tender and is a great foil for the robust native ingredient flavours. This recipe uses rice flour so the meat and sauce components are gluten free and and use gluten free pasta if required.. To serve 4 4 thick veal (or any other ) culets, trimmed of excess fat 2 egg whites , lightly beaten 30g Classic Dukkah 1/4 cup rice flour Olive oil spray For the sauce 1 jar Outback Spirit Provenance Wild Herb...
Outback Spirit

Wild Herb Tomato Chutney and Creamed Cheese Dip
This is a super simple way to create a dip in a hurry and is perfect when you have unexpected visitors or just at any old time at all. Our Wild Herb Tomato Chutney is a rich tomato country style chutney, like your Nan used to make, except it is seasoned with Mountain Pepper from the sub-alpine hills of Tasmania and Victoria and with Lemon Myrtle from the East Coast sub-tropical rainforest regions of NSW and Queensland.. It is truly delicious and makes such a great little dip with creamed cheese 1 x 250g Creamed Cheese in a tub approx...
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