Thyme (OK silly joke! ) for some gooey deliciousness with Brie baked with Outback Tomato Chutney and Thyme.
1 whole Brie (approximately 200g)
1/4 cup Outback Tomato Chutney
Fresh thyme
Cut brie in half and spoon the Outback Tomato Chutney onto the centre of the bottom half. Sprinkle with fresh thyme leaves.Place the top half of brie back on top of the chutney.
You can wrap the brie in bakers paper, leaving the top of the wheel exposed for a golden crust, and place the brie in a ramekin on a rimmed baking sheet. We have a snug dish that just holds the whole Brie and we put ours straight into this.
3. Place brie in the preheated 185C oven and bake for 15 minutes, or until soften; let cool and devour.