These drumsticks are a bit charred, spicy, slightly funky and juicy and are a big hit in our house. We often make them for a quick and easy meal but usually we roast or BBQ a pack of 8 and have them on hand for when we get the munchies in the afternoon - it's a healthy sack too! You can cook chicken breasts the same way (low and slow) and these are wonderful taco or burrito style and served with salads and chutney - or of course with our Chilli Ginger Wild Lime Sauce from the pan! Try to give the drumsticks a couple of hours in the marinade for the best result.
8 chicken drumsticks, patted dry.
1/4 cup Chilli Ginger Wild Lime Sauce
1/4 cup olive oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon finely chopped mint
juice of two fresh limes (at least two full tablespoon) and zest from the lime.
additional olive oil for cooking
50g butter for cooking
salt and ground pepper to taste
Make a marinade in a large ziplock bag using all the ingredients, burt reserve one tablespoon of lime juice and the olive oil and butter for cooking.
Make sure the marinade is well mixed and add the drumsticks to it. Shake the sealed bag with the chicken ensuring all drumsticks have been thoroughly coated in the marinade.- pop in the fridge for 2 hours before cooking if you can..
Remove the drumsticks from the marinade and reserve the marinade that is left in the bag.
Heat a skillet add the olive oil and the butter and allow the butter to melt and bubble up. If using a grill pan or the BBQ, melt the butter in the oil and brush the surface before placing the marinated chicken on it Add the drumsticks and cook on each side for 1 to 2 minutes until golden and slightly charred.
You can also choose to remove the drumsticks once seared on each side and place in an oven proof dish and finish in the oven for 12-15 minutes. You can use some of the remaining marinade to baste the chicken.
If BBQing, once the chicken is seared it's time to place the drumsticks on the plate rather than the open grill and cook for a further 8 -10 minutes until he meat is cooked through and easy to remove from the bone.
While the chicken is cooking place the left-over marinade in a small pot (or microwave) add the remaining lime juice and heat until just bubbling and serve as a sauce with the drumsticks. Pile them into a serving dish and serve with some extra lime wedges and cucumber for a fresh twist.
copyright Juleigh Robins2024